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Looking into Timor Leste's Economic Future

“Steps? What steps, Ben? All I see is a stagnant economy with little progress

I get where you're coming from, Elijah. Isn't that a bit optimistic, Ben.

Elijah: Ben, I've been hearing a lot about the economic struggles here in Timor-Leste. It's been three years since you've been here. Do you think things are really going to improve?

Ben: Elijah, I understand your concerns. It's true that Timor-Leste has faced its fair share of economic challenges. But let's not overlook the steps being taken towards development.

Elijah: Steps? What steps, Ben? All I see is a stagnant economy with little progress.

Ben: I get where you're coming from, Elijah. But consider this: the government has been focusing on diversifying our economy beyond oil. They're investing in sectors like agriculture and tourism, aiming to create new opportunities for growth.

Elijah: Agriculture and tourism? In a country known for its oil riches? Isn't that a bit optimistic, Ben?

Ben: It may seem ambitious, Elijah, but it's a strategic move. By investing in agriculture, for instance, we're tapping into our natural resources and reducing dependency on oil revenue.

Elijah: Foreign investment sounds good, but won't that just lead to more dependency on external factors?

Ben: That's a valid concern, Elijah. But the goal isn't just to rely on foreign investment alone. The government is also focused on developing domestic industries, particularly agriculture and fisheries, to reduce our reliance on imports and foster self-sufficiency.

Elijah: I see your point, Ben. But what about the issue of unemployment, especially among the youth? It seems like there aren't enough job opportunities to go around.

Ben: Indeed, Elijah, youth unemployment is a big issue. That's why we're pushing for programs to support small businesses. Microfinance and business incubators are helping people start their own businesses and improve the economy.

Elijah: It sounds like there's a lot of work being done, Ben. But do you think it's enough to overcome the deep-rooted challenges we face?

Ben: It won't be easy, Elijah. But with strategic planning, investment, and strong leadership, I believe we can overcome these challenges and build a more resilient and prosperous economy for the future.

Elijah: Well, I certainly hope you're right, Ben. It's going to take a collective effort from all sectors of society to make it happen.

Ben: I really hope you're correct, Elijah. It's going to need everyone from all parts of society working together to make it a reality.
